Trailer Kits


Skidding Kits


Forestry Kit

For loading and hauling logs from 4’ to 16’ long

Skidding Cone Kit with an ATV

Use your ATV to skid logs

Complete Kit

Combines forestry and highway accessories

Skidding Kit with a Capstan Winch

Use gas-powered winch to skid logs

Haul & Dump Kit

Trailer without forestry accessories

Logging Arch Kit

Move large logs behind your ATV


Using NovaJack tools with your ATV allows you to perform Timber Stand Improvement work efficiently, with minimal impact on soils and trees. All NovaJack tools have been designed to maximize output, to reduce physical effort and to protect soils and trees. They are known for their ruggedness, their reliability and their ease of use.

Discover which assortment of products answers to your specific needs. Each kit has been assembled for specific applications. You only need to choose the one for you!