Skid logs safely with your ATV!
The NovaJack skidding cone will prevent logs from being
stopped by roots, stumps or residual trees. It also protects your
valuable trees along the path from being damaged.
Operator safety is enhanced, as the cone prevents sudden
stops caused by logs getting caught in an obstacle.
Made of high-performance polymer plastic, the skidding
cone is strong, yet flexible. Its 20" (51 cm) opening
lets you haul large logs or bunches of smaller logs.
Use the skidding cone to skid logs directly behind
your ATV with the pulling plate, or bring logs to the trail using
a corner block and Kevlar rope (see Skidding cone kit). It
also works very well with the Capstan Winch. Use it year round,
down to temperatures of 30°C (-22°F).
manual (PDF)

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